Unit 7


The aim of this unit was to create a game level in Unity where a first camera could roam or ‘free-run’ around an interactive 3D environment. Whilst creating the environment, consideration towards how the game level would function and be interactive to the user was required.



As a preliminary stage to modeling an interactive environment, I researched how game environments were created and how they maintain the interest of their users. In the game ‘Assassins Creed’, users are able to interact with the environment in several ways including leaping from buildings into haystacks as a means of concealing themselves from enemies and climbing specific buildings to gain intel of the geography of the area by using an eagle. This unlimited exploration of the games environment, it’s buildings as well as it’s rooftops, maintains it’s users interest as they are constantly stimulated by the interactive objects surrounding them.

In addition, in the game ‘Bioshock infinite’, the environment can be interacted with as the user is able to for example, flush toilets, open doors/ drawers, use telephones or elevators. Furthermore, the close attention to detail such as the physics of demonstrating ice melting, fog , lit candles creating smoke as well as water and glass reflecting the characters face. These miniscule details paired with the games large environment corrals the user to explore it’s vast area it offers and follows the laws of physics, making the environment seem as real as possible.

Furthermore, final fantasy XV the user is conditioned to stay on the road or path as if they stray they find themselves in contact with more enemies. Also, the user is advised by their friends to do or not do something to guide the user. In addition, the user is advised not to travel during the night-time as the enemies they face during this time are very difficult to fight against.



Using Unity, I first created a basic, plain terrain. From this, using Unity’s terrain tools, I modelled numerous mountain shapes ranging in size and proximity. The terrain tools allowed the terrain to raised or flattened as well as smoothed to create less sharp, rough environment. I created different areas in my 3D environment by texturing my terrain. These areas included a frozen, narrow ice path that a player could travel through to an isolated location, a lake with a waterfall and a mountainous area with more grass and trees. The environment also featured trees, a dirt path and snow scattered around the ice area as well as neighbouring areas. Next, I added particle systems such as dust and water as well as logs for the user to jump over.


Images of textures used:



The objective of this unit was to create a game level environment in Unity, allowing a user to ‘free-run’ around the interactive 3D environment. Consideration towards how game levels are designed and how they can corral a user was required. I believe I achieved this objective as in my modelled environment I created different areas that had different terrains to maintain the user’s interest in the environment and modelled a narrow ice mountain path that led to a secret location for the user to interact with. In this unit I learnt how to model terrains and create different shaped mountains using the terrain tools. To create the trees I also used the terrain tool and was able to adjust the spacings between the trees. On the other hand, I could have made my environment more interesting for a user by creating physics for steam, mist or fog. Also, the path could have been made more ambiguous to evoke more intrigue in the user to explore. In addition, the setting of my environment was night-time however the water particles and lighting seemed too bright and did not seem realistic. Furthermore, the waterfall asset I used appeared out of place and rigid compared to my intended goal of a naturally flowing water fall. As a result, my placing of this asset could have been done more accurately.



Expanding on the game level environment I created in unit 7: free runner, this unit aimed to develop my understanding on creating a complete game level for the user to roam and interact with. From my three researched historical events/ periods, one chosen event would have to be recreated to emulate the environment of which it was at that period of time.


The Colosseum:


The Colosseum is located in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy and could hold 50,000 to 80,000 spectators. This building was used for a myriad of purposes, such as: gladiator contests to the death, animal hunts, re-enactments of famous battles and theatre entertainment based on Classical mythology. Due to it’s interesting structure and history, I initially was intrigued to model The Colosseum however upon researching further, the building since lost it’s charm and purpose for entertainment in the early medieval era. The building was then used for housing workshops, quarters for religious order, a fortress, a quarry and a Christian shrine. Furthermore, I didn’t want to emulate such a bloody environment.

The Parthenon:


The Parthenon is an Ancient temple dedicated to the Goddess Athena. It’s construction began in 438 BC when the Athenian Empire was very powerful, however wasn’t completed until 447 BC. The temple stood for a symbol of Athens’ immense power and still stands today centuries later despite war and thieves. This amazed me and encouraged me to recreate such a powerful symbol in Greek mythology. However, for this unit I wanted to create a more challenging environment with a more complex structure.

Joseon dynasty


As a result of my interest in Korean culture , I chose to recreate the Gyeongbokgung palace during the Joseon dynasty. This palace was the main royal palace of the Joseon period located in northern Seoul, South Korea which served as the home of the king. Being the largest of the five royal palaces in Korea, emulating the palace would be challenging yet enjoyable. It has since become a place where people can visit and admire its structure however its appearance has changed since the 14th century.  Therefore, I thought it would be interesting to recreate the environment of the Gyeongbokgung palace as well as the traditional culture of Korea. As there are no images of what the Gyeongbokgung palace used to look, I researched adaptations from Korean dramas, films, paintings and music videos to identify how the producers have simulated Korea’s traditional culture.


Reference imagery:

The reference images above were used to help model the structure of the palace today. Also, throughout the process of modelling the palace, I referred to Psy’s ‘Korea’ music video which showed a walkthrough throughout the main section of the palace. This video was very helpful in modelling my model as it visually demonstrated the distance between each gate, more detail to the ground as well as the approximate height the gates and walls should be in comparison to a human figure. The images above also helped during the texturing process to identify the appropriate colours to use. Furthermore, I referenced traditional Korean festivals for items to include in my model such as flags, drums and other ornaments.


In the process of modelling the Gyeongbokgung palace, I planned to begin modelling the all three gates first, then the walls surrounding them and finally the main palace. With the first gate, I began modelling their arches by creating two cuboids and removing their top faces. Next, I bridged them together and duplicated them to create three arches as well as extruded their faces to complete the structure of the first gate. Then, using a square-based pyramid I modelled the roof of the gates by sloping the faces. These became my roof asset for all the gates and corridors. Next, I modelled the second gate by creating the stairs and pillars. This gate was then duplicated to create the third gate. To join the second and third gate I modelled a bridge by lowering two faces either side of the bridge and removing the area beneath. This lowered area would become the river that runs underneath the bridge. In addition, I extruded two faces either side of the bridge for the railing. Furthermore, I modelled one wall which had the traditional wooden windows and duplicated them. These walls and/or corridors were slightly altered in the area where the main palace is for variance for the player and to let the player know which area they are in by identifying that the corridors are different.



Most of my textures were sourced from the internet however I experienced difficulty achieving authenticity as the traditional Korean patterns of the palace were not matching well with the original reference images. Therefore, referring to my reference images, I took screenshots of the textures of the buildings and used them to texture my own model.



Images of textures used:

Unity development:

After completing the modelling and texturing phase of creating my model, I put the model into Unity to add more detail and authenticity. Firstly, I darkened the lighting and used a night-time skybox from the asset store. I chose to make my model during the night-time as in my reference images, the palace looked magical with it’s lights illuminating the palace and I wanted to recreate that mood in my own model of the palace. Next, used a night-time water asset that gently moves and added spotlights to the buildings and lamps scattered around the environment for the player to see the environment as well as guide them to the main palace. In addition, I placed traditional Korean trees such as cherry trees and dogwood trees and modelled a terrain so that the player can see the mountains that surround them.


Final renders

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For this unit I was tasked to create a game level environment for a user to roam and interact with. In correlation to the aim, I believe I achieved this as my game level had numerous sections for the user to roam and explore around. In regard to my game level, I am pleased with the final outcome as it has a distinct resemblance to its original: the Gyeongbokgung palace. Whilst completing my model I really enjoyed exploring how the environment may have looked in a previous time period and how I could attempt to recreate that. In addition, I experienced how to change the time of which my environment was set, add lights and fireworks. From my research in unit 7: Free-runner, I was able to understand how a game level environment is designed and how to design that environment in order to corral the user. Therefore, I decided to model a clear foot path to direct the user and stairs leading up to the first gate to look at the environment from a higher perspective. This would help give the user a sense of location, similarly to ‘Assassins Creed’ where climbing buildings provides the user with intel on the geography of the area. Also, I created courtyards with trees for the user to explore as well as corridors to guide the user along the outskirts of the area. Furthermore, as seen in the images of the Gyeongbokgung palace, there are mountains seen behind the gates so I decided to include these mountains which creates authenticity and realism. Also, as the entrance area features sand, I used a dust storm asset and slowed down the speed to mimic how the wind moves sand. 

However, in the future I would like to develop techniques in creating physics such as fires, blossoms slowly falling to the floor to indicate the season, smoke and more. Despite the game level allowing the user to roam, it could have been more interactive by allowing them to open doors, turn lights off, put fires out or start a firework themselves. This would have created a more stimulating game level to corral the user. Also, I could reflected the time period of the palace more evidently by including traditional drums, gayageums, flags, fires or weapon racks.