Unit 6


This task was to create a 3-dimensional gadget using Maya that is as realistic as possible. The chosen gadget should be based on a real object but altered in some form. In response to the task, I decided to model my necklace as it is an object that I wear almost everyday and could be made into a discreet gadget. Before modelling my chosen object, I researched various gadgets that were jewelery for inspiration as to how to alter my necklace to have a purpose.



My first visualisation is of a pen that is able to record events using it’s hidden camera. In addition, the pen can be used as a USB to collect information form others. The pen’s features can be discreetly concealed by the disguise of an ordinary pen and placed on the front pocket of a suit jacket or shirt.


My second visualisation is of a lipstick that hides a small knife inside. This could be used as a hidden weapon used to secretly pass weapons across detectors. The blade could be increased or decreased by twisting object like an ordinary lipstick and is concealed by the cap.

It's bad luck to open an umbrella indoors...for the other bloke

For my third visualisation, the film ‘Kingsman: the secret service’ features many spy gadgets that are concealed to look like ordinary objects. One of these gadgets includes a bulletproof umbrella that can act as a shield against enemy fire. Also, as seen in the image above, the umbrella allows it’s holder to see their opponent through it. Furthermore, the umbrella is able to return fire and stun the enemy in front of the umbrella.


From my research, I concluded that my object would be a projector used to project images or to communicate with others. This idea was induced by the physics of a diamond which reflects and refracts light, similarly to how a projector projects light. Also, my idea was inspired by the physics of a glass prism, which has similar properties to a diamond, which can refract light into different colours. Modelling a diamond in Maya that has the same physics to a real diamond would be challenging.


Product development

To begin with I used the shape of a cone to create a diamond shape by adding more divisions and sharpened the objects edges. Next, I duplicated my modelled diamond object and increased its size. This would help to create a higher level of realism in my modelled object as light would refract within the space between the two diamond, thus simulating how a diamond refracts light. Then, I modelled the rest of the necklace that holds the diamond and soften their edges. Also, as I was transforming my object into a projector, I used a light fog to create light coming out from the diamond.


Final render



Model of necklace

Above is a physical 3D model of the projector necklace I modelled using Maya. Firstly, I measured the dimensions of the actual necklace I was modelling from and scaled it 10 times bigger than the original object. Next, I cut a block of Styrofoam to my scaled dimensions using the bandsaw. Then, I began to sketch the details of the necklace such as the hook which the  chain feeds through. Using a carving knife, I carefully carved these section by section to avoid breaking the Styrofoam model. Following making the part of the necklace that holds the diamond, I used a square block of Styrofoam and filed the object until I created the shape of a diamond. Then, I filed my entire model for a clean, precise finish.



This task was to create a 3-dimensional gadget using Maya in a realistic manner, based on a real object. My chosen object was a necklace with a diamond that I transformed into a projector. This idea was brought about by the physics of a diamond which is able to reflect light within itself. Using this idea, I made the diamond project light to communicate with others. My model of the diamond was successful as I was able to mimic the physics of a real diamond. Also, my model appeared to be accurate compared to it’s original and in proportion. In addition, I was able to simulate a projected light from the diamond using a light fog in order to portray my gadget. However, to improve my work I could have included more colours such as yellows or pinks and paid closer attention to details for example including the engravings that are on the original necklace. In addition, my model could have been made more realistic by texturing my model better as the material used does not seem to be metal. Furthermore, in regard to my styrofoam model, the diamond is smaller than the necklace and thus looks awkward and out of place. To improve this disproportion, I could have modelled the necklace and diamond as one. This would make the process of making the physical model more difficult and would require more time however would result in a better outcome, making the diamond fit better.